Open Data Blend January 2022 Update

17th February 2022
By Open Data Blend Team
The Open Data Blend January 2022 release is a major release that introduces a new service aimed at less technical audiences. It also includes updates to the Open Data Blend Datasets service and the Open Data Blend website. Read on to learn more.
Open Data Blend Datasets
English Prescribing Data for November and December 2021 Is Available
In mid-January, we updated the Prescribing dataset with the latest available NHS English Prescribing Data which was for activity up until November 2021 at the time. Yesterday, we updated the Prescribing dataset again with the latest data available which includes December 2021. This means the English prescribing data for 2021 is now complete and readily downloadable in CSV (Gzipped), ORC, and Parquet data file formats.
You can download the data now from the Open Data Blend Datasets Prescribing page, or analyse it directly in supported BI tools through the Open Data Blend Analytics service. There is now a third option for getting value from the same data which we will cover in this blog post.
English Prescribing Data Correction for October 2021
On 14th January 2022, the NHS Business Service Authority (NHSBSA) gave a notice of correction for the October 2021 prescribing data they had previously published. There was a data quality issue that resulted in the actual cost values being overstated by a factor of 100. They republished a version of the data with a correction on 13th January 2022. Our Prescribing dataset has already been updated to reflect the change.
Open Data Blend Insights
BI Reports as a Service
We launched with two open data services in June last year: Open Data Blend Datasets and Open Data Blend Analytics. These empowering, productivity boosting services are great for data analytics teams, but what about less technical audiences such as information workers, decision makers, or any other non-technical individuals with an interest in the UK open data that we process? How could they also get value from our optimised open datasets?
That is the question that drove our team to create a new Open Data Blend service. A service that will make actionable open data insights readily available to non-technical audiences. Today, we are happy to announce Open Data Blend Insights, a service that transforms our optimised open datasets into insights that can be effortlessly explored and incorporated into your data-driven decision making processes.
A Simple Navigation Experience
The entry point for the Open Data Blend Insights service is a new navigation page we have carefully designed to be simple, easy to use, and informative.
Helpful Report Information Pages
We are launching this service with Pharma Market Insights, the first of many Insight Reports. Over the coming months we will be expanding the catalogue with more on-demand BI reports.
For the Pharma Market Insights report and all future Insight Reports, you can get a good idea of whether the report will meet your needs from its information page.
You will find details such as the use case the report has been optimised for.
Screenshots that show you how the report looks and some of its core pages.
Lastly, you will see information about the type of questions the report can answer and how the data and report content can be used.
Beautiful and Effective Data Visualisations
Each Open Data Blend Insight report is expertly designed to effectively visualise key information whilst being both intuitive and easy on the eyes.
And if you want the insights to fill your screen, we have included a convenient option to open the report in fullscreen mode.
It's Available Today
The Open Data Blend Insights service is available as an add-on to any of our paid plans and provides access to all Insight Reports as more become available over the next few months.
If you need pharma market insights today, take a look at the Pharma Market Insights report information page to see how it can support your decisions. Got some feedback that could help improve the report or suggestions for future Insight Reports? You can get involved.
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Blog hero image by Guillaume Jaillet on Unsplash.